The abnormality or James Banks (1945?-) alias "Jole" is a shapeshifting entity from an unknown origin who is currently waging a memetic war against BRK, reports from GME suggest he skinwalks and has skinwalked several prominent world leaders, including but not limited to Vladimir Putin, Nikocado Avocado, Joe Biden, Osama Bin Laden, Richard Nixon and John Lennon
Jole using the James Banks skinsuit
The first reports of the abnormality from outter space landing on Earth were in 1945, Operation Highjump (1946/1947) suggested an alluminium base form with a great ability to modify carbon-structures
The abnormality seems to have a fixation with establishing CCH and thus has ended up being BRK's main nemesis, trying countless times to get rid of the rogue agent
The abnormality can dwell in the surface as well as underground, as would a molerat, which may have some relation with his relationship with the Funderground and Californian earthquakes in the second half of the 20th Century